October 04, 2006

all is done

when you're so emotionally IN to someone, you fail to see the signs of how that someone is IN to you. the slightest attention that he gives you is magnified by your hopes into thoughts that he might have something special for you too. of course, you've got to be thankful that you've got friends who can shake you out of your deluded self from time to time. they give you glimpses of the real score between you and the object of your affection. sadly, more often than not, you still continue holding on even to the least attention that he gave you as far(fetched) as you can remember. in times like this, you should never forget to pray for a concrete sign. love can take you to a rollercoaster ride especially if the object of your affinity is giving you mixed signals.

good thing for me that i've been hoping and waiting for a sign. the heavens sent me not just a concrete sign, but a sign that was so into my face. it just came to me without the need to decipher or interpret anything. it was plain, simple, easy to understand and digest. it hurt but at least that shook me out of my dreams. i can finally get off the rollercoaster ride.

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